Clive Weatherhead

Introducing Clive Weatherhead

Clive Weatherhead, Secretary NSW Aeromodellers

I started aeromodelling in the late 1960’s, with a mix of free flight and control line (combat and Goodyear racers mostly, no silencers, Oliver Tiger diesels and Super Tigre X15 glows pulling 35000rpm, causing a lifetime of ringing in my ears). In 1974, I paid more for a 2nd hand Horizon 4 channel proportional set than we’d expect to pay for a 10-channel set, brand new, today. I converted one of my gentle flying free flight aircraft to rudder and elevator control and started teaching myself to fly RC with the help of a lot of glue, balsa scrap and spare covering material.

That was in the UK, where most people fly mode 2, and it was a rite of passage to stamp down the snow on the runway for a quick winter fly – absolute madness.
Workwise, it’s anything for a quid. I’ve been involved in the insurance industry, including underwriting aviation risks in London, and I spent a good few years in consulting in the banking, investment and insurance sector, around the world, eventually landing in Sydney in the late 80’s. We already had cousins nearby, and our family became Australian citizens shortly afterwards. I converted my RC hands to mode 1, which was an ‘interesting’ period of my flying life. If you’ve tried to fly something on the other mode, you’ll understand!

More recently I have worked in risk management and corporate governance, I’m involved in a battery retail business and in an online store, and I write fiction novels (under a pseudonym) to keep my hands busy.

When it comes to RC, I’ll fly anything, rotary or fixed wing, and am experimenting with multirotors and FPV. Fixed wing gets most of my attention though, and I love sport flying, with the occasional larger scale aircraft thrown in to make me sensible. I particularly like scratch building, just for the joy of seeing what a plank of balsa can become. I love autogyros, especially getting a home-brewed version to fly properly, and I’m currently building a flying road-sign to enter into our club scale comp (nobody said it had to be a model of an aircraft). It’s my honour to have been President of Warringah Radio Control Society for a few years, now. We have a stunning field in the bush at Belrose, and around 150 members who are a brilliant bunch to spend time with. Every visit to the field is a true privilege, and flying there reminds me exactly why clubmates are called club mates.

When it comes to lead weight, I think it belongs in car batteries and not in my planes. I’m a big fan of building light with plenty of control surface movement. My favourite, if I must pick just one, is my Panic Biplane. I built it from a kit about a decade ago, and it was never a pretty plane. Old age and exhaust residue have taken a toll on it, (as have a few bingles and snapping it in half once), but it is still an absolute joy to fly. The design dates from the late 70’s, and I think it is virtually impossible to buy the kit nowadays, but when this one eventually gets called to the great plastic bag in the sky, I’ll build another from photographs and memory. It really is that good.I’m delighted to take on the role of Secretary of ANSW, and I hope that I can, at least, help to make this flying hobby as much fun for others as it is for me.

MAAA Exemption against subsection 4 (1) of instrument CASA 96/17

MAAA Exemption against subsection 4 (1) of instrument CASA 96/17

Dear Members,

We received from Kevin Dodd, MAAA Secretary the Explanatory Statement and Exemption EX 156/17. This Exemption concerns operations near controlled aerodromes and operations above 400ft, as stated in Directive CASA 96/17.

This exemption returns us to the normal club operations prior to the directive CASA 96/17.

In issuing the exemption we are to refer to MOP004 Ceiling Height Extension and MOP061 Policy Model Near Full Size Aerodromes which have been amended to align with CASAs wording, in section 5A of both documents.To read the full MOPs please go to the MAAA website.

This wording is locked in and requires CASA approval to amend it which will also then require a new Instrument to be issued. The wording helps us to understand what is required for the normal safe operations.

If you have operations within 1 nautical mile of an aerodrome please contact ANSW so we can put in place the necessary Letters of Agreement and the requirements under the Exemption.

The MAAA will make Part 149 part of the operations within clubs so please ask your executive any questions regarding these developments.

Bunnings Night Coming Up!

Following on the success of the Bunnings Family event in conjunction with father’s Day in September, we have been invited to participate in their Christmas Family event to be held on 8th December.

I would like all clubs that wish to participate to provide me with a contact name, address, phone number and email ASAP. If you already have a relationship with Bunnings let us know which store.

We will be providing these details to Bunnings State Activities manager who will coordinate with your local Bunnings stores.

Once again we will be asking MAAA to provide 200 Gliders to each participating club as give-aways.

Please contact Bob Carpenter, President Aeromodellers NSW Inc. with your information.

02 4577 6612    0438 171 070


Bunnings Night

The Bunnings Night was a success with a pleasing amount of people and interest. We had a few enquires with respect to the club, location and activities. We expect to see some of these people at the club to (at least) watch in the near future.

The gliders were a big hit with the kids and disappeared quickly.

We were given plenty of space to spread out and display a variety of air craft. We attempted to display a full range of aircraft from cheap pnf (bixlers) to compete scratch built scale aircraft and from cheap pnf to expensive (jets). In addition, we had a number of display items such as motors, etc.

A computer running with video footage taken from an aircraft showing various manoeuvres and our site as viewed from a model aircraft.

There was good support from fellow committee members with a total of 7 committee members providing items for display and fielding enquires, 2 members remained behind the tables whilst the remainder mingled and spoke with others outside the display area. We had the support of the local hobby shop who provided some kits and other items for display. Much appreciation to him. Duane (Duanes planes) has been a long term supporter of the COMSOA club and his contribution is valued greatly.

Many thanks goes to MAAA For supplying the gliders. These provided the catalyst for people to approach our display and engage with us.

Below are some images of the event.

  • Bunnings
  • Bunnings
  • Bunnings
  • Bunnings
  • Bunnings
  • Bunnings
  • Bunnings
2016 F3C-F3N Australian Nationals

2016 F3C / F3N Australian Nationals

2016 F3C-F3N Australian Nationals and team selection trials.

Jamie Robertson, one of the very best helicopter pilots in the world, has now indicated that he will also attend.

Nick Maxwell has recently taken 1st place in the USA F3C and F3N team selection trials for next year’s world championships.

George Atkinson
Deputy Chief Flying Instructor South,

Aeromodellers NSW Inc.

Download (PDF, 457KB)

Western Sydney Model Show Day

Western Sydney Model Show Day Success!

The following is an email sent of June 16, 2016 from Alex O’Connor, Events Officer of the Sydney International Regatta Centre, Sport and Recreation expressing his thanks and looking for photos or videos and feedback.

“Hi all,

First off, Thankyou for being involved in what seemed to be a great day. Overall feedback from the crowd was very positive with around 1750 people attending the venue.

If you have any feedback or any issues from the day please let me know. We would especially like to know if the day was worthwhile for you and if you would be interested in being involved in the event in 2017.

If anyone has any photos or videos from the day our Marketing Coordinator Matt (Cc’d) would love to get hold of them for possible promotions, stories etc. One media story for the day may be found at News Local website.

Matt did manage to take some photos on the day of various areas of the show. Please just get in touch with him if you would like any copies.

Thanks again,


Bulletin – Message from the President of ANSW

An IMPORTANT Message from the President of ANSW – Bob Carpenter addressed to:

All members,

As directed by our membership at the Dec 12th meeting your Executive is continuing to try to resolve the unification issue by attempting to continue dialogue and meetings with NSWFFS and CLAS.

You will find two important documents: the AGENDA and the MINUTES:

Download (PDF, 31KB)

Download (PDF, 43KB)


About Aeromodellers

Aeromodellers are all who are interested in the experimentation, innovation, design, construction, maintenance and flight of all or any model aircraft. Fixed Wing, Rotary Wing (Helicopters), Multirotors (drones), Gliders, Seaplanes, actually any airborne creation that takes to the sky and pushes the envelope of possibility. 

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