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Booking the State Field at Cootamundra
The Aeromodellers NSW State Field at Cootamundra is a great place to fly.  It has many benefits for Modellers including the best water in the state, hot showers, toilets, a great food and coffee service if the event is large enough and certainly a friendly, generous hospitality that we are known for. To ensure that we can support aeromodellers who are travelling down its helps all who manage the environment to know you are coming.  Please complete this form to ensure that we can manage your booking and reserve the site for your special event or day of flying.
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When are you intending to book the field from?
When are you intending to book the field to?
What type of booking are you making?
Who is making this booking? Full Name, mobile, email, MAAA membership number. (if you are on your own then put same as above)
Who is the responsible person if operations are above 400' agl? Please provide your full name, mobile and email address.
Do you have any special requirements for this event? Please describe below. This includes special set up for the field - eg pylon racing or catering.